Innovation Sprint Training

From Design Thinking to Design Doing with our Innovation Workshop

Innovate at lightning-fast speed with our Innovation Sprint Toolkit. You’ll learn proven no-nonsense workshop methods to generate and execute ideas with ease.

Our Innovation Sprint is developed around two of the five core principles of Design Thinking

Our Innovation Toolkit is an incredibly adaptable and versatile tool, expertly crafted around two of the five core principles of Design Thinking. It empowers you to swiftly explore the problem space and identify the most pressing challenge to tackle during the workshop.


Everything you need to run an Innovation Sprint Workshop

The toolkit was designed to help you start running Innovation workshops with your team. Inside the package, we’ve put together a collection of tried-and-tested exercises that have been very successful in both small businesses and large organizations alike! Here’s what you’ll find inside…

Learn simple methods that provide context, clarity and focus. Simple frameworks to improve creative thinking and encourage team collaboration.


Time timer for Design Sprints

Facilitate Workshops
quickly and easily

prescriptive innovation workshop templates and guides

Guides and

Develop Ideas Quickly

Develop Ideas

Explore Challenges Collaboratively

Explore Challenges

Amaze with Design Sprint results

Amaze Workshop

Build products and services for real people

Build products
for real people

Visualise tomorrows solutions

Visualise Tomorrows

Learn how to drive innovation with your teams in just one day with our guides, exercises and workshop plan.


What you will get inside

The toolkit is divided into four parts with practical exercises, prompt cards, worksheets, and a facilitator’s guide.

It includes step-by-step instructions and all resources for running an Innovation Workshop in just one day so your team can learn about, discuss and create ideas for new products or services together.

Innovation Toolkit Session 1

Session 1

Exploring the problem space

Explore problems and pain points with the goal of transforming these into challenges that you will solve during workshop.

Innovation Toolkit Session 2

Session 2

Defining people’s goals and frustrations

This part focuses on defining who might be affected by the challenge as well as how they interact with it.

Innovation Toolkit Session 3

Session 3

Developing ideas processes and features

Use people's stories to identify opportunities and features that might help them achieve their goals.

Innovation Toolkit Session 4

Session 4

Visualization and storyboarding

Create simple visualizations that show how someone would interact using your potential solution.


Who is the Innovation Workshop Toolkit for?

The Innovation Toolkit is a flexible tool for any team member inside your organization; CEOs, managers, product developers, designers, marketing teams, etc.

Managers & Team Leads

Managers and Team Leads

When you start an innovation project, do you have difficulties finding the right key improvement area with your team?

Product People & Designers

Product People and Designers

Do you get caught up in your ideas and struggle to decide which duties are the most important to complete?

Consultants & CEOs

C-level Management

Do you find developing new ideas results in time-consuming meetings in which you cannot seem to reach an agreement?

Yes? Then just learn to run Remote and In-Person Innovation Sprints like a PRO and build an effective Innovation A-Team.

We believe innovation should be part of the culture of an organization. Embraced by everyone will result in more cohesive work across teams as well as better products for customers.


What our clients say

We’ve trained many teams and clients all around the world. Here’s what they have to say…

quotes background image


Get in Touch

Prepare yourself to dive into exploring problems, identify the key players involved in your problem, and envision a possible solution. Learn more and ask for a consultation via this form or reserve an Innovation Sprint session with us.